“Writing a poem is one of the ways to love the world ..."

About Cynthia Grady


Whidbey Island, Washington— a damp little place off the Northwest Coast. I am the 6th of 9 children.

Grew Up

In the redwoods and on the beaches near San Francisco.

Map and Trees
Young Cynthia

Earliest Poem Memories

Much of Mother Goose, but also counting rhymes— “One Potato, two potato, three potato, four …”

Earliest Story Memories

The Old Woman in the Vinegar Bottle,The Tale of Peter Rabbit, The Tongue-cut Sparrow, The Story About Ping, The Wild Swans, Diamonds and Toads, The Little Red Hen.

Children's Books

Favorite Childhood Games

Hopscotch, jump rope, marbles, kickball, ping-pong.

Childhood Chores

Setting the table; dusting; pulling weeds, raking leaves; folding laundry.

Favorite Chores

Cleaning out the ashes in the fireplace.


After changing my major 99 times, and colleges 3 times, I finally landed in the field of education (San Jose State Unversity, CA). I taught on and off for a few years. That led me to graduate studies in Children’s Literature (Simmons College, Boston, MA); more schooling in Library and Information Studies (Simmons, again); which eventually led to more graduate work in Western Classics (St. John’s College, MD and NM), the perfect course of study for people who change their major 99 times as an undergraduate.

What I'm Doing Now

I was the middle school librarian at Sidwell Friends School in Washington, DC for 14 years and have since relocated to New Mexico. When I’m not reading and writing, you will find me gardening, river-walking, sewing, making music, or hanging with our house rabbits.

Music and Quilt